Many people enjoy showing off their dogs, but few do it with cats! This is an unfortunate thing because many cat lovers are passionate about their fur babies.
Many individuals start socializing or adopting new pets when they have already seen the pet before in a shelter or rescue setting. By doing this, they learn how to show the cat to other people.
But, most of these individuals don’t get trained in proper cat-showing techniques until much later in their kitty friendship. This can be tricky if you want to enter your kitten or cattery-dwelling friend into a competition or event!
We will go over some tips here for how to show a cat at a cat show so that they feel ready and know what to expect.
Make a list of cat features your friends would notice
Even if you’ve never shown cats before, you can still attend a few as a spectator or volunteer. All it takes is knowing what things most likely show up at a cat event and how to describe them to other people!
The term “cat feature” refers to any unique quality that sets a particular cat apart from others. These qualities are not good or bad, they are who this individual cat is.
Some examples of cat features include:
- Long fur
- Pointed ears
- Whisker tufts
- Tail types (long, short, curved)
- Color variations
- Behavior such as grooming, rolling, etc
If you know anyone who has ever seen a one-day performance by a cat, they will have noticed their special features. So, start looking around for these in your local area!
Hosting a low-key watch party means there is no need to pay money to go see the cats, nor do you have to prepare food or drinks.
Purchase cat-friendly clothes

While buying new clothing is usually not expensive, some materials can be tricky for your kitty. Materials such as leather or wool may need more time to warm up if you plan to take them outside immediately after shopping!
If possible, buy clothes that are made of cotton or linen. If you find one pair of jeans too long, cut off an inch in either length or width.
That way, your feline friend does not have to deal with any loose threads when she plays or rolls around in it.
Never buy footwear for your pet unless the shoes are designed for cats. Many veterinary clinics will ask whether you bought cruelty-free products before giving your furry loved one a rabies vaccination.
For tips on how to organize your pets’ belongings, read our article here.
Bring your cat food and water
While most breeders will provide you with supplies for the cats. They usually don’t supply any food or drink for you. This can be tricky when attending a big event like a dog show where there are lots of people and few resources.
Most dogs get hungry and thirsty during events, so if you aren’t sure what kind of foods the other owners have, bring some that your cat likes!
You also need to know how much food your cat needs to stay healthy. Most experts say 1–2 cups (250-500 ml) per 100 pounds (45 kg) is enough, but make sure yours doesn’t feel full more than that.
Plan by bringing both snacks and drinks for yourself.
Plan your route to the show before you go
While some people attend cat shows for the fun of it, most do so to breed or find cats. Most purebred dog owners can tell you how expensive attending dog shows are!
So, most kitty fans are not too concerned with winning. But they want to know if their feline friend will be matched with a home soon.
Organizers have worked with local shelters to see if a potential owner is waiting in line to adopt his/her sweet buddy. They also make sure that every individual knows about the rules and regulations of the show so that everyone is on the same page.
Since many different types of breeds are shown at this event, professionals organize the classes by breed.
Read More – How Many Cat Breeds Are There
This way, each participant can focus only on one type of animal while looking them up under the regulation books!
There are usually several rounds during the show, depending on the number of entries per round.
Bring your litter box
Now that you have picked your cat’s name, found his or her home, and organized for the trip, it is time to pack up some poo!
You will need to bring along a plastic bag or empty bottle to put each piece of poop in (never use another animal‘s feces as this could be harmful to them!), paper towels.
Also Read – How Much Cat Litter Per Month
So you can clean off the car windows after each stop, and a brush if yours doesn’t look like it has been grooming itself.
If your kitty loves cars, then he or she should enjoy this adventure with you! Most cities hold a pet show around late spring or early summer.
So check out which one(s) fit into your schedule and take good care of yourself and your feline friend.
Hopefully, you are already pre-organized, but to make sure everything goes okay, also pack a copy of the rules for the event, cell phone numbers, and any information about the cats and owners at the show.
Make a backup plan in case your cat gets ill
Even if you have never shown cats before, there are many ways to get some tips or even pick up something as long as you are willing to learn more.
Many breed groups hold open events every year. Where anyone can come watch the dogs compete and admire their breeds. The same goes for cat shows!
Some of these shows are free but others may need you to pay an entry fee depending on the type of show.
But, most people do not spend much money. Because they choose to bring snacks for the contestants and themselves!
People will go shopping online or search local kennels to find out about upcoming events so that they can make plans ahead. Or, they might ask around at shelters or rescue organizations to see what is available.
Whatever route you decide to take, be sure to research it, and don’t underestimate any potential risks.
Be familiar with your cat’s routine
When you are ready to take your beloved feline to an event. Make sure they have done their normal things like eating, grooming, and sleeping before traveling.
If possible, try to schedule it weeks in advance. So that they are not too stressed out about being left behind or having to find new homes while you are away.
Not only does this help prepare them for the trip, but also helps reduce any anxiety they may have when leaving you. It also helps ensure their safety as most major events need a ticket and proof of vaccination.
Plan by giving yourself several days to get everything together!
How to Take Care Of A Dog During An Event
There is no need to tell anyone that dog owners can be pretty crazy when it comes to showing off their pets, especially during larger events such as K9 Shows or even because they feel like it!
Dog shows are very social gatherings where many people come from all over to meet others who love dogs as much as they do. If you are thinking of taking your dog to one, here are some tips to keep in mind.
Most kennels will offer dry food and wet food to those attending the show, so always check what kind each breed should eat.
Bring your toy
Even if you don’t feel like buying anything, bringing your toy can help make sure that the cat show is a success for both of you.
Some people bring their dog’s bed or mattress. So that they can sleep next to it while the animal sleeps during the night.
If you have an old blanket that doesn’t do too well anymore, take care of it and use it as a traveling mat for the cat show!
You could also pack some snacks, but remember that most cats are not very good eaters.